Green Apple classrooms are designed to help each child to be creative and develop their skills at their own pace. Our PreSchoolers class is designed for our 2-3 year olds. While building their own personality, our kids are developing many other skills. The goal for this class is to introduce pre-literacy skills, as well as to promote problem solving, and conflict resolutions with their friends. In this class, your child will learn to socialize with peers and work together during projects and activities while becoming an individual. PreSchoolers have the opportunity to combine learning with fun. With the help of our well-designed lesson plans, your child will be introduced to the calendar, recognizing names, letters and many geometric shapes along with counting 20 to 100. Your child will know his/her alphabet by now, and will continue mastering skills on phonetics and basic math. Some PreSchoolers also start focusing on a secondary language upon recommendation in this class. Most kids in this class are on track mastering using the restroom on their own with the help of our potty-training guidelines. Our teachers will communicate with you and update you on your child's potty-training process daily until this skill is mastered.